all’ interno 3 episodi completi , in appendice I TALENTI DI SPIDEY
“And now…the Secret of the Schemer!” / IL SEGRETO DI SCHEMER
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Kingpin
- Schemer (Richard Fisk) (Real name first revealed)
Other Characters:
- New York City
- Peter and Harry’s Apartment
- Kingpin’s Mansion
- Switzerland (Only in flashback)
- Schemer’s Modified Car
The Kingpin has gone after the Schemer who he believes kidnapped his wife, however in the secret tunnel in his mansion he finds that Vanessa is alive and well and not a prisoner of his underworld rival. While the fleeing Schemer wrecks his car and has to go to a nearby supply house to get parts to repair it.
While at the apartment that Peter Parker shares with Harry Osborn, Peter mulls over his studies while thinking about how he’s so broke he can’t afford a present for Gwen’s upcoming birthday. He’s roused from his work when Gwen and her father come by for a visit and start asking him questions about his connection with Spider-Man. George is suspicious about how Peter can be present so many times when Spider-Man is in action. Using the fact that he has pictures to develop as an excuse to go into his dark room, Peter quickly changes into Spider-Man and enters in through another window. Pretending to be a different person, Spidey demands to see Peter Parker for his cut of the money for the pictures that Parker takes. The Stacy’s fall for it, and “cover” for Peter by telling Spider-Man that he isn’t there. Satisfied that his secret is safe, Spider-Man departs, and waits for the Stacy’s to leave.
When Peter’s photos reach the Bugle and are published, the Kingpin is furious when one of the photos shows Vanessa helping the Schemer to escape, the Kingpin demands answers from his wife. Elsewhere, Spider-Man finds the Schemer’s wrecked car, but it self-destructs when Spidey tries to tamper with it. He tracks the Schemer down to the supply warehouse where they have a fight. As Spider-Man succeeds in capturing the Schemer, Gwen and George Stacy return to Parker’s home to find it empty. They wonder if Peter was either kidnapped or willingly left with Spider-Man, this prompts George to call the local precinct.
When turning over the Schemer to the location of the reward, Spider-Man soon finds the “police” there are not real, but henchmen of the Kingpin and the “precinct” he’s at is really a property owned by the crime boss himself. The Kingpin nets Spider-Man and he battles the Schemer. Easily overpowering the Schemer, the Kingpin demands to know who he is. The Schemer reveals himself to be the Kingpin’s own son, who faked his own death for the purpose of crippling his fathers criminal empire due to his shame of their ill gotten fortune. Confronted with his son, and unwilling to accept the fact that he’s still alive, the Kingpin goes into a catatonic state.
Spider-Man breaks free of his net, and the Kingpin’s family in the state their in decides that there is nothing else for him to do and departs.
“Beware…The Black Widow!” / ATTENTI ALLA VEDOVA NERA
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff) (1st appearance of Black Costume)
- Gwen Stacy
- Harry Osborn
- Anna May Watson
- Aunt May
- Daily Bugle Staff
Other Characters:
- George Stacy
- Iron Man (Only in flashback)
- Hawkeye (Only in flashback)
- Crimson Dynamo (Turgenov) (Only in flashback)
- Nick Fury (Only in flashback)
- Red Guardian (Only in flashback)
- Nikita Khrushchev (Only in flashback)
- New York City
- Daily Bugle Building
- Aunt May’s House
- Peter and Harry’s Apartment
- Spider-Man’s Web-Shooters
- Black Widow’s Gauntlets (First Appearance of New Model)
On his way home following his battle with the Kingpin and the Schemer, Spider-Man just misses running into the Black Widow. The Widow gets a sudden inspiration to try and find a way to combine Spider-Man’s powers with her own abilities. She returns to her home where she decides to abandon her old costume. After recalling her recent past, she decides to design a new costume, as part of her “rebirth.”
Meanwhile, Spidey is about to enter his apartment when he spies Harry Osborn, Gwen and George Stacy waiting for him. Sneaking some clothing, Spidey changes back into Peter Parker and enters the apartment. When Gwen sees the bruises on his face, she demands to know what sort of trouble he’s in. When Peter isn’t forthcoming with answers, she tells him not to call her until he can promise not to get involved with Spider-Man ever again, and leaves with her father.
As the Black Widow prepares to go out searching for Spider-Man to prove who is the better, Peter can’t study because he feels as though he’s getting groggy. He goes out web-slinging, but has to pause to rest and has the poor fortune to take a breather on the Daily Bugle building and trades barbs with Jameson. Checking in on his Aunt May, he accidentally startles her when she sees Spider-Man in the window.
Returning to the city, Spider-Man is attacked by the Black Widow, they have a brief battle where the Widow gains the upper hand and ropes up Spider-Man. However, Spider-Man manages to break free and gum up her venom-sting bracelets with his webbing. However, before he can do anything else she flees the fight. Later she decides that she was wrong to try and get the secrets to Spider-Man’s powers, and that her own abilities are unique to her and that she should forge her own destiny.
Finally, Spider-Man begins to get very ill and returns home. There he takes a look at his blood in a microscope. His research finds that his spider-powers are once more beginning to fade. Now posed with what he’s always wanted: A life free of the responsibility that comes with being Spider-Man, is this what he truly wants?
- Spider-Man meets Black Widow for the first time.
- In this issue, the Black Widow abandons her original costume in favor of her trademark skin-tight black costume. This costume and her new look was probably inspired by various spy-orientated television shows of the 1960’s (Such as The Avengers, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and James Bond.)
- The Black Widow’s appearance in this issue was also to plug into her then new series Amazing Adventures #1 where she next appears (in Italy in THC # 64-65).
“Unmasked At Last!” / SENZA MASCHERA !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Hobie Brown (Prowler) (Impersonates Spider-Man)
- George Stacy
- Randy Robertson
- Josh Kittling
- Dr. Octopus (Only in flashback)
- Daily Bugle Staff
- J. Jonah Jameson (Only in flashback)
- Dr. Phillips
- New York City
- Daily Bugle Building
- Peter and Harry’s Apartment
Coming to the conclusion that his spider-powers are fading for good, the ailing Peter Parker realizes that today is Gwen Stacy’s birthday and he hasn’t been able to get her a gift. In a moment of desperation he uses his fading spider-powers to steal a pearl necklace from the jewelery store, but stops himself at the last moment.
As Gwen’s birthday party begins, Gwen becomes aware of Peter’s absence and begins to get upset. The party is then suddenly shocked when Peter enters the party, Spider-Man mask in hand and tells everyone that because his powers are fading, he can finally reveal that he’s Spider-Man.
When George Stacy points out that Peter is feverish and sick, Peter realizes that he’s putting Gwen through enough distress to cause hysteria and flees.
After Peter’s gone, Harry chalks it all up as a hoax put on by Peter, relating to the time when Peter “pretended” to be Spider-Man in order to save Betty Brant from Dr. Octopus. Gwen however, isn’t quite convinced.
Deciding he needs medical help right away, Peter changes into Spider-Man so that he’s treated more seriously when he explains his situation. When Spidey is seen by a doctor, the doc tells the wall-crawler that he’s just getting over a bout of the flu bug and nothing more. Realizing that his powers are returning to normal as his immune system fights off the flu, Peter realizes what a bone-head move he’s made and decides to come up with a way to make certain that nobody believes that he’s really Spider-Man.
Taking off his costume and disguising his face, Peter visits Hobie Brown and asks him to help fool everyone into once more believing that Peter Parker and Spider-Man are two different people. Peter then goes to visit the Stacy’s home and explains to Gwen, George, Mary Jane and Harry that he was in a fever state and didn’t know what he’s saying. When Gwen doesn’t immediately believe Peter, Hobie (dressed in Spider-Man’s costume) enters through the window and his performance in front of everyone convinces the others that Peter’s story is true. His mission accomplished, Hobie leaves the scene and stashes Spider-Man’s costume where he was told. Afterwords, Peter departs from the Stacy home, secure in the fact that his secret identity has been protected, but still has an uneasy feeling as though he’s walking on egg shells.
Spidey’s Greatest Talent / I TALENTI DI SPIDEY
illustration / 4 pages
- Script:
- Stan Lee
- Pencils:
- Larry Lieber
- Inks:
- Mike Esposito
- Colors:
- Stan Goldberg
Featured Characters:
- Spider-Man
- J Jonah Jameson (Cameo)
A 4-pages bonus feature explaining Spider-Man’s ability to stick to surfaces, and the different things that he can create with his webbing.