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L' UOMO RAGNO corno N.61 UN FRUSCIO D' ALI NELLA NOTTE 1972 hulk dottor strange


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Già è ardua la convivenza per due galli in un pollaio, figuriamoci per due avvoltoi nella stessa volta di cielo (naturalmente quella molto bacata della grande mela) e allora per determinare la superiorità e la supremazia dell’ uno sull’altro il marrano alato Toomes e il ribaldo volante Drago (il cui vero nome sarebbe Cerutti Gino ma gli amici al bar del Giambellino di Manhattan lo chiamavano così) se le danno di santa ragione per aria in mezzo alle cime dei grattacieli costringendo quel poveraccio di Spider-Man ad intervenire in tutela dell’ incolumità dei newyorchesi

contiene inoltre :  HULK , DR. STRANGE 



condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

“Wings in the Night!” / UN FRUSCIO D’ALI NELLA NOTTE !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Peter Parker’s Motorcycle


Adrian Toomes had survived his brush with death and has been released from prison. Taking on a spare Vulture costume, the original Vulture vows to get revenge on Blackie Drago. After a brief scuffle with Spider-Man, in which he injured the wall-crawlers arm, the Vulture breaks into a nearby museum and steals back the Vulture costume once worn by Dragon.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 63 Page 5

The next day while Peter attends classes as usual and attempts to patch things up with Gwen, the Vulture drops in on the prison where Blackie Drago has been incarcerated. 

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 63 Page 7

There he fights off inmates and guards alike and demands that Drago put on the spare costume, so that they may duel and learn which is the more superior fighter — and therefor worthy of the title of the Vulture.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 63 Page 9

While Peter makes a meeting with George Stacy, and Norman Osborn continues to struggle with reemerging memories of being the Green Goblin, the two Vultures fight high over the city. 

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 63 Page 15

Peter learns about it while stopping by the Bugle and Jameson takes him up to the roof to take pictures of the fight.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 63 Page 17

When a little boy is endangered in the battle, Peter abandons Jameson so he can slip away and change into Spider-Man and stop both Vultures. As Toomes knocks out Drago, Spider-Man saves the little boy. 

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 63 Page 19

All this is watched by a furious Jameson who has no photographer to document this whole spectacle. With the boy taken to safety, and Drago taken into police custody, Spider-Man (who has seriously strained his already injured arm) is the only one capable of trying to stop Toomes, who is rushing towards the wall-crawler, bent on a fight to the finish.

The Amazing Spider-Man (1963) 63 Page 20

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:

  • Various army personnel
  • Various citizens
    • Bobby
  • Various movie set personnel
    • Mike (a cameraman)




Betty Ross is milling about the Desert Base. She reflects upon recent events, particularly the lives of Bruce Banner, Rick Jones and the incredible Hulk. 

She finds her father General Ross who is testing the effectiveness of his prototype “Iceberg Rocket” against a facsimile of the Hulk. A jet-powered faux Hulk is launched into the air and the rocket targets the projectile, encasing it in a block of ice. Ross is satisfied with the test, confidant that this rocket will succeed in capturing the real Hulk. 

Marvel Masterworks: The Incredible Hulk TPB_1_(Part_1) Page 82

He then sends his soldiers out to track down the Hulk.

Rick Jones meanwhile is inside his cottage with the true Hulk, who is still under his mental control due to an accidental overdose of cosmic radiation. When Rick sees soldiers coming to capture him, he orders the Hulk to flee. Without a word, the Hulk leaps away and lands in a nearby town.

General Ross is convinced that Rick Jones knows more about the Hulk then he lets on. He interrogates Rick at length, but when the boy refuses to cooperate, Ross has him arrested. Rick sends out a telepathic S.O.S. to the Hulk. The Hulk turns back and super-jumps his way back to Rick’s location. He scoops him out of the army jeep and leaps away. Rick directs him to Doctor Banner’s secret cave. Once inside, he places the Hulk in front of a gamma ray projector. After reading some of Banner’s notes, he activates the device and the Hulk transforms back into Bruce Banner.

After careful study, Banner concludes that regulated doses of gamma radiation might give him the power to control his transformations. After making some adjustments to the projector, he has Rick used it upon him, this time instigating the change into the Hulk. The Hulk now has the intelligence of Bruce Banner, but he still maintains the machismo brutishness of the Hulk. Rick is happy for the Hulk and more than a little scared.

The Hulk decides that he wants to commit good deeds. He goes outside of town where he finds a farmhouse on fire. The Hulk tears away the burning wall of the house and pitches them into the distance. Though the family inside are now safe, they are terrified of the monster’s presence. The Hulk then takes Rick back to the secret cave where another dose of gamma rays turns him back into Bruce Banner.


  • First appearance of Banner’s private laboratory inside the sanctuary cave.
  • This issue establishes that Rick Jones is sixteen-years-old at the time of publication.
  • Includes a flashback of the Gamma Bomb explosion from issue #1 (in Italy in URC #55).
  • First appearance of the Hulk Robot. The robot that appears in this issue is but one of several different models that will appear over the years. This particular model was developed by the United States military and is a non-functioning crude facsimile of the Hulk.
  • Rick’s mental control over the Hulk was established last issue.


  • This is the first issue where the Hulk uses a super-clap to generate a sonic wave to repel adversaries.
  • First issue where Hulk maintains Bruce Banner’s intellect. While in this form of the Hulk his personality is slightly more brutish than Banner’s usual demeanor, this foreshadows future incarnations of the Hulk such as “Professor Hulk” or “Joe Fixit”.

“The Origin of the Ancient One!” / L’ ORIGINE DELL’ ANTICO !

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Kaluu (First full appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Citizens of Kamar-Taj



As the Ancient One begins his tale of his past and his relationship with the mystical being known as Kaluu, Kaluu in his own realm having captured the Book of the Vishanti studies it.Finding nothing useful to him Kaluu banishes it.

Five centuries ago, in the Himalayan land of Kamar-Taj, the Ancient One (whose real name is never given) and Kaluu grew up together and studied magic. They cast a spell of prosperity on their village. Kaluu wanted to use his power to serve his own ego, so he hypnotized the other villagers. They crowned him king and followed him in an attack on a neighboring village. The watchful Ancient One finally spoke out, warning that the prosperity spell would be broken by this hostile act. Kaluu put him in stasis and forced him to witness the battle, the looting, and the enslavement of the other village. The Ancient One’s prediction came true, and a plague struck the village. Kaluu fled into another dimension, breaking the stasis spell.

Back in the present, Strange learns that Dormammu’s attack on Eternity loosened the boundaries of the multiverse, so Kaluu has escaped. Finishing his tale, the Ancient One warns his deciple to brace himself as he sense that Kaluu is about to attack.

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