prima serie Editoriale Corno
nell’episodio principale con i Fantastici 4 debuttano due nuovi personaggi mediocri, trascurabili ed implausibili, ma che purtroppo rivedremo successivamente di nuovo in giro a far danni negli albi Marvel : TEXAS TWISTER e CAPTAIN ULTRA
contiene inoltre : CAPITAN MARVEL (in un episodio celebrativo del 50° numero con la partecipazione dei VENDICATORI ed un titolo altisonante ed esortativo che evoca intenti, proclami e slogan pappalardiani) e GLI INUMANI (sempre alle prese con l’ incredibile ed implausibile HULK)
condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)
condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5
condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7
condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5
condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4
per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Negative Zone Monsters
Other Characters:
- Galactus (Only in flashback)
- High Evolutionary (Only in flashback)
- Impossible Man
- Abe Beame (First appearance)
- Jimmy Carter (First appearance)
- Gerald Ford (First appearance)
- Ronald Reagan (First appearance)
- US Military Members
- McCallister
- Sarge
- The Negative Zone
- The Baxter Building, New York City
- Counter-Earth
- High Evolutionary’s Asteroid
- A Daily Bugle Newspaper
- The Brute’s Rocket
- Army Tanks
Following his battle against the Brute, the Thing has been pulled into the Negative Zone, hurtling out of control and is about to be attacked by one of it’s creatures when he suddenly blacks out. Coming around, he finds himself in bondage inside the Baxter Building, a prisoner once more of the Frightful Four. Surprised to see another man who looks like Reed Richards, this Reed reveals himself to be Mr. Fantastic’s counterpart from Counter-Earth.
He explains that when the High Evolutionary and Galactus battled each other on Counter-Earth he was sent into space by military to investigate. Passing through a cosmic ray storm his ship would explode but he would eject himself before it’s destruction.
Coming across the High Evolutionary’s artificial asteroid base, after snooping around he would stow away aboard the ship that the FF piloted back to Earth where he was struck on the head. Upon arriving on Earth he would answer the advertisement placed in the papers by the Frightful Four looking to recruit a new fourth member.
With his origins revealed, the Counter-Earth Richards transforms into the Brute and is about to slay Mr. Fantastic the Wizard stop him.
The Wizard explains that the Brute is being too rash as he will try to hold the Fantastic Four hostage and try to get a large sum of money in order to continue their own independent pursuits.
However, a call to the mayor of New York City, which is currently cash strapped leads to more calls to higher level of government to no avail.
Eventually the military surrounds the Baxter Building to prepare for the worst. As the 3 am deadline closes in the Impossible Man continues to watch television. As the network concludes it’s broadcasting day the Impossible Man decides to try and “fix” the supposed “broken” television. To do so, he begins messing around with the Baxter Building’s fuse box causing a black out on the building.
This allows the Fantastic Four to break free and battle the Frightful Four, Tigra and Thundra.
During the fight Reed Richards is horrified to find that his stretching powers have completely faded. As the Fantastic Four battle the other members of the Frightful Four, Reed Richards battles his Counter-Earth doppelganger, taking them into Reed’s lab.
As the others easily defeat the Trapster, Sandman, and Wizard it appears that Reed has managed to defeat the Brute and trap him in the Negative Zone, however it is in reality it is the Brute who managed to over power Reed, switch outfits with him and send him into the Negative Zone.

“To Begin Anew!” / RICOMINCIARE !
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Edwin Jarvis
- Ethan Wilford
- Elizabeth Wilford
- Ronan the Accuser
- Mac-Ronn
- Mordecai
- Rachel Dandridge
- Gertie
- Doctor Minerva (First appearance)
The issue starts with Iron Man testing a new life support module
(LSM) designed to carry two men to the surface of Jupiter. During this
test run the Super-Adaptoid shows up and rips the LSM in half. Dazed
Iron Man is then blasted by double repulsor blasts from the
Super-Adaptoid. The Adaptoid explains how he escaped from Stark
Industries after his last defeat and assumed Iron Man’s form.
he is too evenly matched with Iron Man he tosses the wreckage at the
crowd and makes his escape to acquire more powers.
At the Texas farmhouse of Ethan and Elizabeth Wilford Mar-Vell
tells Mac-Ronn that there is no way to return Ronan to the Kree
Homeworld with Mac-Ronn’s spacecraft destroyed. With Ronan’s mind like
that of a newborn baby the Wilford’s invite Mac-Ronn and Ronan to stay
with them. With that Mar-Vell takes his leave. In outer space aboard a
spacecraft Dr Minerva watches Mar-Vell on a viewscreen claiming her
journey is almost over and for Mar-Vell to BEWARE!
Mar-Vell arrives at
the office of Mordecai P Boggs and changes back to Rick Jones. Rick has a sold out concert to perform with Rachel Dandridge.
Afterwards Gerti informs Rick he has a visitor…Edwin Jarvis who
happened to watch the show. He invites Rick back to Avengers mansion.
the mansion the Avengers are relaxing and training when the
Super-Adaptoid busts through the wall.
Battle erupts and the Adaptoid
holds his own while assimilating all the Avengers powers.
Rick and
Jarvis show up and hearing the sounds of battle Rick becomes Mar-Vell to
join the fight.
Arriving at the scene Mar-Vell sees the Adaptoid having his way
with Cap,Beast,Vision,and Scarlet Witch. Mar-Vell Hits the Adaptoid with
a photon blast only to be counter-attacked with a uni-beam in the face
effectively blinding him.
Realizing the Adaptoid’s powers Mar-Vell
purposely gets close enough so the Adaptoid can adopt his powers also.
The Super-Adaptoid becomes confused by the cosmic awareness and while
distracted Mar-Vell clangs the Adaptoid’s wrists together sending him to
the Negative Zone and freeing Rick Jones !

“A Berserker Called Hulk!” / UN GUERRIERO CHIAMATO HULK ! (2a parte)
Featured Characters:
Continued from last issue…
Fighting in a final duel with the Incredible Hulk, the Inhumans come at the end of this cycle of issues .
Story continues in Captain Marvel # 53 (in Italy in F4C #196)