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I FANTASTICI QUATTRO 4 corno # 178 LA NOTTE DEI DEMONI warlock inumani no resa


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prima serie Editoriale Corno


nel ridicolo duetto/team up di questo numero alla solita statuaria, pietrificata ed ingessatissima COSA viene abbinato l’ignobile e orrendo SPAVENTAPASSERI, ambiguo e stregato fantoccio animato da non confondersi nè con quello originale e un pò più dignitoso della DC nè con quello villano e maleducato antico antagonista di Iron Man, questo qui in compenso è talmente inquietante e spaventoso che i piccioni quando lo vedono se la fanno sotto e gli cacano sempre in testa

contiene inoltre : WARLOCK e INUMANI


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Dark, Dark Demon-Night!” / LA NOTTE DEI DEMONI

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



While attending art exhibition with Alicia Masters, the Thing is told
of the supposed supernatural powers behind the Straw Man painting by
the owners Dave and Jess Duncan.

After the exhibition begins to wind down, one of the straggling
party goers is transformed by Kalumai into a fire demon. Hearing the
ruckus, Thing bursts in and fights off the monster when he is aided
suddenly by the arrival of the Straw Man who pops out of his painting.

The Straw Man helps Thing defeat the monster, Things knocks the
monster out, causing it to change back to normal. When Kalumai appears
in the painting, the Scarecrow jumps into the painting seemingly
destroying the painting and closing the portal. In the aftermath,
everyone present wonder what happened to Jess’ brother Dave.


Scarewcrow last appeared in Marvel Spotlight #26 (storia apparsa in Italia su Thor Corno n.146)  and next appeares in Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #31 (storia purtroppo inedita in Italia)

The Straw Man is a benevolent entity that appears to emerge from a
dimension within its painting. Centuries ago, he opposed the demon Kalumai.
During one of their early battles, the Straw Man ripped one of
Kalumai’s horns from his head and closed the gateway through which he
manifested on Earth, sealing it behind an oil painting known only as
“The Scarecrow.” As a result, the Cult of Kalumai was virtually
destroyed and the painting became a sought after occult item as
occultists tried to fathom its secrets and Kalumai attempted to reopen
the gateway. In more modern times, the painting found its way to New York City.
Cultist Gregor Rovik attempted to purchase it but writer Dave Duncan
intervened so that his younger brother Jess could win it. Later Rovik
stole the painting and tried to sacrifice Jess’ girlfriend Harmony
Maxwell using Kalumai’s horn. The Straw Man apparently possessed Dave at
this time in order to intervene, in his guise as the Scarecrow he
rescued Harmony and the painting and killed Rovik, though Dave was left
with no memory of any of these events.

Later, Kalumai sent his agent Bartolome
to retrieve the horn by commanding night demons through the use of his
flute. The Straw Man, however, succeeded in defeating and banishing both
Bortolome and the demons, much to the chagrin of Kalumai. The Scarecrow
painting was eventually publicly displayed and Kalumai found a
sympathetic onlooker whom he was able to recrete into an avatar for his
power. The possessed man came into conflict with the Fantastic Four’s Thing who had been at the gallery with his artist girlfriend Alicia Masters.
The Straw Man soon appeared, presumably controlling Dave Duncan again,
and tricked Kalumai’s pawn into sealing the painting’s gateway
permanently with Kalumai’s own power. The Straw Man then vanished into
the burning painting.

Years later, the Fear Lords
gathered to discuss how they might cause more fear and terror on Earth
in order to strengthen themselves. The Straw Man opposed the others,
having gone to the meeting only to inform the others that Earth was
under his protection and he would oppose their plans. To aid humanity in
resisting their fear-mongering, the Straw Man mainfested on Earth under
the name of Skirra Corvus and created the “Horror TV” cable network to
help inoculate humanity against fear. He also informed
Doctor Strange of the Fear Lords’ actions through ‘Horror TV.’ The Straw Man’s avatar was soon destroyed by the Lurking Unknown but he left Strange with the Scarecrow painting, through which he could again return. As the Fear Lord’ plot unfurled, D’Spayre
betrayed the other Fear Lords and absorbed their powers. He was opposed
by the Straw Man who allowed D’Spayre to set another one of his straw
manifestations on fire, in order to use the flames to free Dr. Strange
from his restraints. The Straw Man continues to observe humanity from
his otherworldy home.

First appearing of Scarecrow : Dead of Night # 11  (in Italia apparirà solo successivamente su I Fantastici Quattro Corno n.241)

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How Strange My Destiny Part 2” / Uno strano destino – parte 2 : FUGA NELL’ INTIMO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





Thanos persuades Warlock into using the Soul Gem against the Black
Knight Death Squad.
Warlock uses the time probe to enter his own personal Kismet trail,
there Warlock finally meets the In-Betweener.
Warlock refuses to be taken by the In-Betweener and tries attacking him
with the Gem but it has no effect on the In-Betweener.
The In-Betweener tells Warlock, that there is need for a Champion of
Life because an Advocate of Death has recently arrived and that the
Magus is that Champion, he than tells him, that there are still five
minutes left before their meeting is about to take place. On the normal
plane the Magus discovers, that Thanos is the worshiper of Death he was
created to fight.
Warlock realizes, that there are five possible turns for him, he
destroys the longest path because it’s the Magus’s, he then enters the
shortest to travel to his future and take his future self into the Soul
Gem. After the Magus has been terminated from existence only Thanos,
Gamora, Warlock and Pip remember him and the Universal Church of Truth.
Thanos is happy because now there is no Champion of Life. As Warlock and
Pip return from the Kismet path they pass a woman who looks a lot like
the Matriarch.


The Doom Called Shatterstar!” / SHATTERSTAR   (1a parte)

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Falzon 




The Inhumans launched a combined assault on Shatterstar
who flew into the air and dueled with Black Bolt and arriving
U.S. Air Force pilots. Shatterstar blasted Black Bolt to the
ground and resumed attacking the other Inhumans, but Black Bolt
used the opportunity to board Shatterstar’s ship along with
Triton. Shatterstar had captured Falzon and the other Inhumans
and was about to slay them when Black Bolt used the ship’s
weaponry to blast the Kree agent into unconsciousness.

Continued to next issue…

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