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abbinamento in assemblaggio avventato e sconsiderato per due serie già accolte in italia molto freddamente e con indifferenza, sospetto e ritrosia, nella folle e delirante logica editoriale per cui due mezzi insuccessi possano unirsi a formare un fallimento unico e totale

all’ interno una storia completa di HULK (rimpicciolito e ridimensionato nel mondo in scala ridotta della formichina ANT-MAN dove però minuscoli insetti e piccoli topolini assumono proporzioni macroscopiche e spaventose) e la prima parte di quella estesa de I DIFENSORI tratta dal quinto ed ultimo speciale giant-size (con la partecipazione speciale dei GUARDIANI DELLA GALASSIA ma in questo spezzone iniziale c’è soltanto il borchiatissimo Charlie-27 inviato in avanscoperta solitaria dagli altri come fanno i sorci che mandano prima uno dei loro da solo ad assaggiare il formaggio se è avvelenato )



Incredible Hulk Vol 1 154
Hell Is a Very Small Hulk!” / L’ INFERNO E’ UN MICRO-MONDO

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




The Hulk, dimly remembering how Bruce Banner sought out Henry Pym’s
help to shrink down to the Microverse so that he might be reunited with
Jarella, has found himself outside of Pym’s laboratory. Smashing his way
in, Hulk is frustrated by all the different bottles of chemicals,
unable to read them he smashes them in anger. Then, the Hulk dimly
remembers when he was Bruce Banner with Jarella and how he had contacted
Henry Pym who told Banner that his shrinking serum was located in the
vault of his lab. The Hulk smashes it open and still unsure which bottle
to drink from grabs one at random and drinks it down. It causes him
pain and he is weakened.

He is confronted be a man who appears to be Henry Pym, but is in
reality the Chameleon who had come to steal secret plans from Pym before
he spotted the Hulk entering the building. Elsewhere in the city, Henry
Pym and his wife Janet van Dyne are out on the road when Henry gets an
alarm signal that goes off whenever someone breaks into his lab and
changes into Ant-Man, mounts a flying ant and goes off to investigate.
There he finds the ruins of his vault, and that secret plans on viral
research have been stolen. Noticing the broken container of his
shrinking formula he used to travel to the Microverse with the Fantastic
Four, Pym tests out the chemical when he realizes someone has drank it.
To his horror he learns that the formula has deteriorated and may cause
unforeseen results.

The results come in the form the Hulk having been shrunk to
Ant-Man size and is now the prisoner of the Chameleon. The Chameleon
turns over the viral research and the miniaturized Hulk over to Hydra
who hopes to use the Hulk as a test subject for the virus that they
create from Pym’s research. However, despite his small size, the Hulk
still retains his regular strength and easily breaks free and makes a
run for it, escaping down an air shaft. The leader of this Hydra unit
unleashes their lab rats into the tunnel to go after the Hulk.

Meanwhile, at Project: Greenskin, Betty Ross has decided to leave
to sort out what her feelings are and try to cope with the possibility
that Bruce Banner loves another woman named Jarella more than her and
what that means for her future.

While back at the Hydra base, the Hulk is forced to fight off the
horde of rats, which he manages to do with relative ease, although the
fight takes him out into the open. The Hydra agents then try to kill the
Hulk themselves, however the Hulk manages to avoid their blasts.
Ant-Man arrives on his flying ant, having tracked the Hulk to Hydra’s
location. The two then work together to fight off the terrorists that
are around them. While the Hulk dumps machinery on them, Ant-Man takes a
match and lights flammable cleaning solution on fire. When the fumes
from the fire knock the Hydra agents out, Ant-Man turns on the sprinkler
system to douse the flames.

Things are about to get worse as the Chameleon was not effected,
and as he approached the two heroes with the intention of squashing them
under his shoe, the Hulk buckles over in pain. The solution begins to
work again and as the Hulk reverts back to Bruce Banner, Banner begins
to shrink smaller and smaller. Before Ant-Man can prevent the Chameleon
from stomping on them his ant pushing him out of the way. Ant-Man then
quickly trips up the Chameleon with an electrical chord, knocking him
out. In the aftermath of the battle Ant-Man wonders if the Chameleon
stomped Banner to death or if he vanished to the Microverse and to

Continuity Notes

  • The Chameleon recalls his last encounter with Hulk which happened in Tales to Astonish #6266 (in Italy in URC #69-72) . The narrative of this story states he was last seen in Amazing Spider-Man #80(in Italy in URC #81) however the events of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #56  (in Italy in CAP&THMI #57-58) were the Chameleon’s last chronological appearance prior to this point.
    This is not so much a mistake as the Captain America stories were not
    published until years later.
  • Chameleon also mentions the last time the Hulk clashed with Hydra, those events occurred in Incredible Hulk #132 (in Italy in H&DC #9).
  • This story states that Jarella’s world is contained within an
    atom. However, the realms of the Microverse are actually in another
    dimension. A traveler accesses that dimension through the process of
    shrinking. Eventually, they shrink to the point where they cross the
    dimensional threshold. This was first explained in Fantastic Four #282 (in Italy in F4ST #56). 

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Somewhere in the middle of New York Harbor, the Master of the Mystic Arts senses a disturbance in the Earth’s time-stream! Valkyrie and the Hulk join Dr. Strange’s search and discover a bizarre creature…called Eelar! However, the slick human-sized eel slips past the Defenders and attacks the Hudson Tunnel! Meanwhile in Upstate New York, Nighthawk investigates the crash of a mysterious spaceship. 

Continued to next issue…

Adventures into Terror Vol 1 15



In a wealthy land beneath Greece, Medusa-people deal with thieves by incorporating them into their snake-heads.


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