viste le parcelle dei dentisti qui da noi, poco incoraggianti se non del tutto proibitive (e oltretutto poi avete anche il coraggio di lamentarvi se un fumetto costa 10 euro o poco più !), molti hanno iniziato ad andarsi a curare la bocca all’ estero, soprattutto nei paesi dell’ est dove le categorie professionali autoctone propongono prezzi molto competitivi e allettanti. la ragione è molto semplice : la scuola odontoiatrica in queste regioni ha radici antichissime, era molto sviluppata già nel medioevo e annovera nel suo invidiabile palmares interventi di rifacimento e protesi di prestigio a personaggi molto noti ed influenti quali attila, gengis khan, il conte ugolino, erszébet bathory e vlad III di valacchia detto l’ impalatore. Nella fase del blocco socialista, poi, sono stati ulteriormente perfezionati ed affinati il metodo e la tecnologia: poichè , come tutti ben sanno, i comunisti mangiavano i bambini, la popolazione di questi paesi aveva una estrema necessità di mantenere dentature sempre molto sane e robuste , ben funzionanti , in perfetto ordine e massima efficienza, per potere incidere, masticare, trinciare e triturare anche i soggetti piu’ tenaci, refrattari e coriacei. Da qui l’ origine del successo e il segreto del proliferare delle cliniche dell’ europa orientale, in particolare di romania, ungheria e bulgaria, che si sono fatte conoscere ed apprezzare in tutto il mondo per il talento, la capacità e la efficacia delle cure fornite dai suoi addetti e dal suo personale, oltre che per una politica di mercato altamente aggressiva e concorrenziale sul piano internazionale.
Ma attenti alle truffe: in alcuni centri vengono ancora praticate usanze locali molto antiche e poco conosciute, in cui il paziente, una volta addormentato, si risveglia poi ignaro di essere stato sottoposto a ripetuti salassi e di essere stato alleggerito di parecchi etti di sangue in meno, col risultato di tornare in patria e doversi curare una gravissima anemia con esiti disastrosi sul piano della salute e delle finanze.
corriere della paura
contiene inoltre : LA MUMMIA VIVENTE
Il materiale pubblicato all’ interno di questa serie è attinto da testate usa conclamatamente cult come tomb of dracula , werewolf by night ( LICANTROPUS by Mike Ploog ) , supernatural thrillers ( LIVING MUMMY / LA MUMMIA VIVENTE) , tutti serials cinicamente e vergognosamente mutuati dalla frangia più estrema, insulsa, infame , eccitante e raccapricciante della letteratura junk e del cinema di serie B.
TOMB OF DRACULA prosegue qui con la cronologia da dove si era interrotta sugli A.S.E. ( gli Albi dei Super Eroi) , ovvero dall’ undicesimo episodio fino a giungere al trentanovesimo ( quelli dal 40° al 44° appariranno poi successivamente su Shang-Chi e i restanti sulla miniserie Star La Tomba di Dracula ). gli autori sono leggendari e magnifici : Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan, Tom Palmer, Jack Abel, covers di Gil Kane
condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)
condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5
condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7
condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5
condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4
per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto
“Where Lurks The Chimera!” / LUNA DI MORTE
Featured Characters:
- David Eshcol (First appearance)
Supporting Characters:
- Taj Nitall
- Frank Drake
- Chastity Jones (First appearance)
- Shiela Whittier
Other Characters:
- Joshua Eshcol (Only appearance; dies)
- King Kull of Valusia (in flashback)
- C’Thunda (in flashback)
- London
- India
- Atlantis (in flashback)
Pawnshop owner Joshua Eshcol has find the final components of a statue called the Chimera, a mystical statue that is a symbol of a creature of nightmares, his son David is concerned about what sort of power the statue might bring. As the father and son debate over the danger of the statue they are suddenly gassed by a group of men who break in and steal the statue, killing Joshua in the process. When the smoke clears, David notices that clutched in his dead fathers hand is the tail of the Chimera, having been broken off in the altercation.
Meanwhile, in far off India, Taj Nitall is putting away his belongings in a rented room when he is visited by his old friend Ramon. Ramon asks Taj to forgive his wife for the accident that took the use of her legs and his voice and accept the fact that his son is dead. Taj then strikes out at his friend, who allows Taj to strike him as many times as need be, begging him to go to his wife.
While back in London, Dracula is walking the streets when he is stopped by a group of muggers who attempt to rob him. Dracula simply uses his hypnotic powers to make them fight each other to the death. Finding that the altercation has taken up precious time, he tuns into bat form and flies to his intended location: Joshua Eschol’s pawn shop. He arrives just in time to see the dead body of Joshua before he is asked to leave the scene by Scotland Yard. Noticing that David has the tail of the Chimera statue, Dracula decides to the boy is worth following.
David ends up walking down the street where he runs into Shiela Whittier, Dracula’s familiar, who was using her museum credentials to see David’s father. Under the guise of concern over David’s fathers death, she manages to close enough to the boy for Dracula and learn what the vampire lord needs to know about the statue, that it wss stolen by parties unknown. While not too far away, one of the thieves calls in to his master to inform him of the missing piece of the Chimera statue, he is berated by his employer who orders him to get the missing piece of the statue no matter the cost.
While elsewhere, Frank Drake gets reacquainted with an old friend, Chastity Jones, on a very intimate level before leaving with her to go to South America, the first step on figuring out who he is, an adventure that will lead to unknown horrors along the way.
And back with David and Shiela, who are traveling to the home of Lydia, an old woman who was the midwife to David’s mother to learn what they can about the origins of the Chimera Statue. Lydia explains that the statue was made centuries ago in ancient Atlantis and could give those the power of the Cosmic Eternal. Since it’s creation it’s always exchanged hands through violence over the years until was destroyed and it’s parts scattered until they were recently reassembled.
While elsewhere in London, Dracula manages to track down the headquarters of the mastermind behind the theft of the Chimera statue. However, the master planner of this plot has foreseen Dracula’s involvement and is prepared. Trapping Dracula in the office with metal shutters on the windows, the mystery mastermind reveals himself to be Dracula’s foe Doctor Sun. Before Dracula can begin to try and escape, a panel in the roof slides open an pure holy water begins to fill the room, threatening to destroy Dracula on contact.
“Night-Fire!” / NOTTE DI FUOCO
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- London
- Brasil
- Jaipur
While seeking out the two stolen segments of the powerful Chimera statue, Dracula had inadvertently entered a trap set by the evil Dr. Sun. Trapped in a room with a trap ceiling that is dropping holy water into the room, Dracula has only one method of escape: Through the opening where the lethal water is coming from. Attempting to escape the room in bat form, Dracula finds the space between the opening and the water too slim and attempts it in his mist form. While Dracula manages to make it out alive, he is still horribly burned by the holy water and passes out from the excruciating pain.
While in South America, Frank Drake and Chastity Jones arrive in Brazil where they meet Danny, one of Frank’s old colleagues. Driving into the jungle, Danny explains to Frank that he intends to make Frank a partner for his new company called “Summer Inc.” While back in London, Rachel van Helsing visits Quincy Harker and asks for his advice about her relationship with Frank Drake. Quincy puts the situation into perspective for her by explaining that after blowing his entire fortune Frank has to go out and prove to himself that he just as independent as Rachel. Rachel hopes for the best, but can’t help but wonder if she loves Frank the way he is, and if any changes to Frank’s character could have a negative effect on their relationship.
Elsewhere in London, one of Dr. Sun’s men brings only the head of the Chimera to him, claiming that the body and tail sections were missing and that they were attempting to find them. Detecting deceit, Sun would open activate a slowly opening trap door to a pit of acid and demand his lowly grunt to reveal it’s location. Cracking under the possibility of a painful death, the hired thug tells Dr. Sun that he had stashed it in a safe deposit box for his own use. Doctor Sun kills the man anyway and sends his agent Mae Li to retrieve it.
Meanwhile, David Eshcol and Shiela Whittier continue their search for the missing components of the Chimera. They stop when they find Dracula, reviving on the side of the road. Happy to see her master Shiela comes to his side, and Dracula explains to David that he is truly the vampire Dracula and that he intends to use the Chimera to rule the world. Grabbing the tail portion, he proves to David that the Chimera does have all the power it’s believed to have, by using the tail section to summon a flaming image of the Chimera in the sky, causing it to rain down fire on the world.
In far away India, Taj Nital is driving a jeep to go back to his wife when he notices the flaming Chimera in the sky, and his jeep is struck by the flaming rain and drives off the side of a cliff, however Taj survives the crash. Back in England, Dracula would then stop the display and summon rain to put the flames out, then command the Chimera to raise a legion of vampires from Highgate Cemetery. They feed on the grounds keeper before they carry out Dracula’s orders: Find the rest of the Chimera.
Horrified by Dracula’s bid for power, and not entirely believing his story of Dracula being a vampire, David makes a break for his car in the hopes of beating Dracula in finding the rest of the Chimera. Despite Shiela’s attempts to stop him, Dracula pounces on David with the intent on feeding upon him. In a panic, David pulls out his Star of David, and the religious symbol plus David’s belief in the religion it stands for is strong enough to not only burn Dracula at a touch but drive him back from his attack.
This proves short lived, as Dracula taunts David’s belief and this causes his belief in the power of the Star of David to falter enough for Dracula to pounce on him. However, before Dracula can feed upon David, agents of Dr. Sun arrive on the scene with guns raised ordering them to surrender.
- It’s never explained who moved Dracula from the room in which he passed out to the side of the road where he is found by David and Shiela.
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Living Pharaoh (Only in flashback)
The Asp and Morris Olddan have the Scarlet Scarab in their possession and are intending to sell it to Alexi Skarab, with the intent of stealing it back and selling it to another buyer. However, before they can be met by Skarab they are attacked by the Living Mummy, who has finally tracked the two down in it’s hunt for the Scarlet Scarab. During the fight Olddan throws a oil lantern at the Mummy, causing it to burst into flames. The burning Mummy smashes out the wall and extinguishes the flames in the mud outside and passes out.
As Asp and Olddan leave, Asp reflects on the moments in his life that brought him to Egypt: remembering when he was a small time crook with big aspirations of finally getting the big pay out. When arrested for a crime, he had Miles Olddan as a cell mate and it was love. Olddan, an old time crook with plenty of skills took the young Asp under his wing and the two would mastermind their criminal career, however as Olddan aged, his direct involvement became less and less.
As Asp and Olddan sell the Scarab to Dr. Skarab, Zephyr has arrived in Cairo to collect the Living Mummy.
Continued to next issue…