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DRACULA corno N.5 LE PORTE DELL'INFERNO licantropus mummia vivente living mummy


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viste le parcelle dei dentisti qui da noi, poco incoraggianti se non del tutto proibitive (e oltretutto poi avete anche il coraggio di lamentarvi se un fumetto costa 10 euro o poco più !), molti hanno iniziato ad andarsi a curare la bocca all’ estero, soprattutto nei paesi dell’ est dove le categorie professionali autoctone propongono prezzi molto competitivi e allettanti. la ragione è molto semplice : la scuola odontoiatrica in queste regioni ha radici antichissime, era molto sviluppata già nel medioevo e annovera nel suo invidiabile palmares interventi di rifacimento e protesi di prestigio a personaggi molto noti ed influenti quali attila, gengis khan, il conte ugolino, erszébet bathory e vlad III di valacchia detto l’ impalatore. Nella fase del blocco socialista, poi, sono stati ulteriormente perfezionati ed affinati il metodo e la tecnologia: poichè , come tutti ben sanno, i comunisti mangiavano i bambini, la popolazione di questi paesi aveva una estrema necessità di mantenere dentature sempre molto sane e robuste , ben funzionanti , in perfetto ordine e massima efficienza, per potere incidere, masticare, trinciare e triturare anche i soggetti piu’ tenaci, refrattari e coriacei. Da qui l’ origine del successo e il segreto del proliferare delle cliniche dell’ europa orientale, in particolare di romania, ungheria e bulgaria, che si sono fatte conoscere ed apprezzare in tutto il mondo per il talento, la capacità e la efficacia delle cure fornite dai suoi addetti e dal suo personale, oltre che per una politica di mercato altamente aggressiva e concorrenziale sul piano internazionale.
Ma attenti alle truffe: in alcuni centri vengono ancora praticate usanze locali molto antiche e poco conosciute, in cui il paziente, una volta addormentato, si risveglia poi ignaro di essere stato sottoposto a ripetuti salassi e di essere stato alleggerito di parecchi etti di sangue in meno, col risultato di tornare in patria e doversi curare una gravissima anemia con esiti disastrosi sul piano della salute e delle finanze.

corriere della paura



continuano i tafferugli e le invasioni di campo provocate dal predatore carnivoro LICANTROPUS / WEREWOLF BY NIGHT che in barba ad ogni gerarchia si è spinto a marcare il territorio addirittura fino alla lugubre ed inospitale Transilvania feudo privato ed esclusivo del capobranco conte rumeno succhiasangue

contiene inoltre : LA MUMMIA VIVENTE

Il materiale pubblicato all’ interno di questa serie è attinto da testate usa conclamatamente cult come tomb of dracula , werewolf by night ( LICANTROPUS by Mike Ploog ) ,  supernatural thrillers ( LIVING MUMMY / LA MUMMIA VIVENTE) , tutti serials cinicamente e vergognosamente mutuati dalla frangia più estrema, insulsa, infame , eccitante e raccapricciante della letteratura junk e del cinema di serie B.

TOMB OF DRACULA prosegue qui con la cronologia da dove si era interrotta sugli A.S.E. ( gli Albi dei Super Eroi) , ovvero dall’ undicesimo episodio fino a giungere al trentanovesimo ( quelli dal 40° al 44° appariranno poi successivamente su Shang-Chi e i restanti sulla miniserie Star La Tomba di Dracula ). gli autori sono leggendari e magnifici : Marv Wolfman, Gene Colan,  Tom Palmer, Jack Abel, covers di Gil Kane




condizioni ECCELLENTI (o anche EDICOLA e/o MAGAZZINO) = si intende un oggetto nuovo e perfetto oppure usato senza difetti e praticamente ancora come nuovo, tenendone per quest’ultimo caso in conto ovviamente la datazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 8,5 e 9,8 (non assegniamo punteggi superiori a 9,8 perchè trattasi di tipi ideali a ns avviso più teorici e scolastici che reali e concreti, ogni manufatto umano in natura ha una percentuale insita e congenita seppur infinitesimale di imperfezione)

condizioni OTTIME = oggetto nuovo (o talora anche usato ma maneggiato e conservato con molta cura) in cui non si riscontra alcun difetto rilevante e degno di nota, tutt’al più qualche minimo segno di lettura o di uso ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 7 e 8,5

condizioni BUONISSIME = oggetto usato (ed in taluni casi anche fondo di magazzino soggetto a piccole usure del tempo) con lievi imperfezioni e difetti poco vistosi, generalmente molto marginali ed appena percepibili ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 5,5 e 7

condizioni MOLTO BUONE = oggetto usato con imperfezioni vistose e difetti abbastanza spiccati, pur se non completamente invalidanti (generalmente specificati nel dettaglio alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto); corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale compreso tra 4 e 5,5

condizioni PIU’ CHE BUONE / MEDIOCRI = oggetto usato con imperfezioni e difetti evidenti, smaccati, madornali ed invalidanti, assolutamente non collezionabile tuttavia idoneo per la semplice lettura o documentazione ; corrisponde a un range di grading internazionale inferiore a 4

per eventuali ulteriori dettagli aggiuntivi e specifici si prega di fare sempre riferimento alla voce CONDIZIONI nella parte inferiore della descrizione di ogni singolo oggetto

“Death of a Monster!” / MORTE DI UN MOSTRO

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Travelling to Transylvania to try and find clues to cure his werewolf curse, Jack Russell and Topaz have found themselves in the home of Count Dracula, and the vampire lord had kidnapped Topaz only to face the Werewolf in it’s full feral fury. Struggling within Castle Dracula, the Werewolf is easily over-powered by Dracula who then prepares to feast upon the beast, when Topaz’s uncontrollability to cause Dracula pain hits him again, allows the Werewolf to fight Dracula off. Being knocked off a balcony to the outside of the castle Dracula escapes to find a fresh victim elsewhere.

With Dracula occupied with feeding on a young woman, Topaz manages to lead the Werewolf out of Dracula’s castle not wishing to be there when the vampire king returns. As they leave, Frank Drake and Rachel van Helsing arrive near the castle in a helicopter, searching for Dracula in the hopes they can destroy him once and for all. They spot Dracula in his bat form returning to his castle and give him chase. Dracula spots them and flies into their helicopter, attacking Frank. This causes their helicopter to spin out of control. Frank and Rachel get the chopper back under control and just barely manage to avoid a crash, however Dracula has escape them in the confusion.

The next day at Russoff manor, when Jack has awaken back in his human form he and Topaz decide to give the diary of Gregory Russoff some closer inspection. Topaz uses her magics to release the locking mechanism in the diary and they begin reading it’s pages. He learns of a story about his ancestor Gregor Russoff, who’s first wife was slain by Dracula in the 1700’s. Wanting revenge, Russoff would go to Dracula’s castle during the day and drive a stake through the vampire lords heart. Lining the coffin with garlic and tossing it into a river, Russoff would then return to Dracula’s home and wreck the place. In his rampage, he would find a woman named Lydia locked up in one of the rooms. She would explain to him that she was made prisoner of Dracula and taken from her parents. Freeing the girl and taking her out that night, the full moon found Lydia transformed into a werewolf, who bit Gregor infecting him with the curse of the werewolf. Finishing the diary passage the two come to realize that Dracula likely confined the girl, and subsequently had to physically fight Jack in werewolf form because the vampire lord had no power over the werewolves.

Meanwhile, in Dracula’s castle, Rachel and Frank continue their search for Dracula. Frank vocalizes once more he determination to destroy Dracula once and for all. As they talk, Dracula sneaks into the room in his mist form and attacks Rachel, and then Frank before fleeing as he has learned that Jack and Topaz have found old Russoff’s diary and that the vampire lord seeks to obtain it himself. However, before he goes to retrieve it, he plans on sabotaging their helicopter.

While back at the Russoff manor, Jack prepares to change into the Werewolf once more with the coming full moon. He tells Topaz to guide the feral Werewolf during the coming battle with Dracula and the two set out to find the vampire lord. The Werewolf finds Dracula at the helicopter just before Dracula has a chance to wreck it and the two begin to fight.

During the fight Dracula sees that Topaz has the book he seeks and he throws the Werewolf aside so that he might collect the book from the girl. Taking it from her, Dracula is about to escape when an arrow fired from Rachel van Helsing’s crossbow knocks it out of Dracula’s hand. When Rachel grabs the book, Dracula attempts to retrieve it but finds himself once more attacked by the Werewolf. When Dracula finally fights off the beast again, he is too late to stop Frank and Rachel from returning to their helicopter and flying off into the sky. Furious at himself for not wrecking the helicopter when he had the chance, Dracula turns into bat form and flies after them, leaving Topaz and the Werewolf behind.


  • The origin of the werewolf curse is explained in greater detail in this issue. Gregory and Lydia Russoff appear in flashback.

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • Transylvanian Alps



Rachel van Helsing finds herself travelling through the winter ravaged Transylvanian Alps with an unlikely travelling companion: Her mortal enemy, Dracula, king of the vampires. In this baron and near lifeless domain, the two have become temporary companions relying on each other both to survive: Rachel so that she can return to relative safety off the mountains, and Dracula so he is not stuck in a winter wasteland without sufficient blood to stay alive.

After Rachel almost falls off the side of a cliff and is saved by Dracula, the two find shelter in a cave. Where Dracula starts a fire and the two talk about their mutual hatred of one another. As Rachel rests, Dracula goes out into the snow once more when he spots a mountain goat. He then feeds upon it, while he finds it’s blood revitalizing, he finds the act of drinking non-human blood repulsive. Dracula then reflects back on how they ended up in this predicament: It was following his battle with the Werewolf when Rachel van Helsing stole the Second Book of Sins and made an escape in a helicopter. Following after, Dracula managed to board the copter. His weight throwing the helicopter off course until he managed to throw the helicopter pilot to his death, the two would find themselves miles off course in the Alps. The helicopter would crash. Dracula would find that Rachel had survived, and now finding his need to have the book has passed, and that his continued survival reliant upon Rachel’s own survival he would administer first aid and the two would begin their search for rescue.

Finishing his recollection, Dracula brings the dead goat to Rachel so that she can cook it’s meat for her own meal. Rachel and Dracula establish that while both need rest at different times, they are in a Mexican Stand-Off situation and that neither can kill the other without dooming themselves. Meanwhile, in Dr. Sun’s Pagoda in Ireland, Mr. Lo continues to hone the skills of vampire Lucas Brand, to test the full limit of his abilities for his master Dr. Sun. While back in the mountains, Dracula and Rachel continue to struggle through the Alps. Having to climb a mountain by rope, Rachel has an another near-death experience when she almost falls down the side of the mountain, once more relying on Dracula to save her. This once more leads to an argument over who will destroy whom. Still in a stalemate position, the two once more seek refuge from the snow in another cave to rest.

While in Paris, Quincy Harker is standing over the vampire bitten Blade and is ready to drive a stake through his heart. Before Quincy can strike, Blade suddenly revives and to Quincy’s surprise — Blade has not changed into a vampire. Blade explains that through some twist of fate he is immune to vampire bites due to the fact his mother was bit by a vampire while Blade was being born. Blade vows to use his immunity to his advantage and not let it stop him from destroying all vampires.

Back in the Alps, while Dracula rests, Rachel attempts to slay him with a stake through the heart, however Dracula was waiting for such a move and knocks the girl away. Dracula then pulls her outside and demand that she keep going because he no longer cares about her discomfort in the cold. They are suddenly attacked by a mountain goat, with no choice Rachel realizes that she has to save Dracula or die alone in the cold and so she pulls out a gun and shoots the ram to death.

Just then, Frank Drake (who had commissioned another helicopter and has been searching for Rachel all this time) spots the two down below, and goes in for a rescue. Spotting Frank’s helicopter, Rachel flees Dracula. Realizing that she intends to leave him behind, Dracula pounces on her and attempts to feed upon her body. However he is chased away when Frank begins firing upon him with wooden bullets. Frank then rescues Rachel and flies away, heading back to Transylvania, leaving Dracula in the Alps all alone.


  • It is interesting to note that in Werewolf by Night #15 depicts Frank Drake and Rachel van Helsing flying into Transylvania together in a helicopter and that Frank was able to fly it. There is no mention of a helicopter pilot, and the story ends leaving the reader to believe that Frank and Rachel escaped Dracula together in a single helicopter at the end of the story. Yet in this story, it’s identified that Rachel escape with a helicopter pilot leaving Frank behind.
  • In Tomb of Dracula #18, it is depicted that Quincy Harker comes across the body of Blade, who had his blood drank by Dracula, Quincy then prepares to drive a stake through Blade’s heart. This moment is left as a cliffhanger to be resolved for issue #19, however the main story of Frank Drake and Rachel van Helsing going after Dracula is continued in Werewolf #15. The story in Werewolf #15 happens over the course of three nights, as Jack Russell goes through three transformations into the Werewolf. When Tomb of Dracula #19 picks up, the narrative leaves you to believe that it was only moments prior to last issue. While the original text of Bram Stoker’s Dracula suggests those bitten by Dracula would only become a vampire after three days, this goes against the established rules of vampirism in the Marvel Universe.
  • This issue marks the point in which the writers begin ignoring the fact that Dracula needs to sleep in a coffin lined with Transylvanian dirt.

Pyramid of Peril!” / LA PIRAMIDE DEL PERICOLO  (1a parte)

Featured Characters:





Transported to Egypt to recover the Scarlet Scarab, the Living Mummy finds opposition from the Living Pharaoh, who has found that the Scarab restores some of his lost mutant powers. After defeating one of his guards, the Mummy’s presence is known by the Pharaoh who sends his other guards out to attack. They prove to be incapable of stopping the Living Mummy.

Continued to next issue….


  • First appearance of the Living Pharaoh.


The tagline to this issue is “The Living Pharaoh Strikes!”

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