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CONAN E KAZAR corno N.32 IL SEGRETO DI SKULL RIVER the golem il shanna


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Con KA ZAR che finalmente scovato dal medico della mutua è stato poi pure precettato dal giudice a tornare al lavoro ma con sentenza esecutiva solo a partire dal prossimo numero , tocca allora alla sua parte femminile SHANNA mostrare i muscoli e far vedere anche gli attributi che non ha , per non patire ulteriori figuracce di fronte allo statuario GOLEM che si sta accattivando le simpatie di tutti i lettori, a partire da quelli stufi di bracconaggio editoriale ma pure dei testimoni di geova e degli antisemiti


dato l’ ostracismo redazionale alle bellissime ma troppo audaci e promiscue cover pittoriche di Savage Tales, se ne è ripescata una vecchia dello stesso Neal Adams precedentemente rinviata per maltempo

Featured Characters:


  • Hanuman  (death)
  • Sophos  (death)
  • Anaximander  (death)

Other Characters:

  • Naia
  • Thuribald
  • Grandall  (death)
  • Ivan


  • Road to Shadizar


Conan, on the way to Shadizar, comes across a blind seer prophesying danger at the river called Skull. Conan ignores him, but soon encounters a deformed giant of a man, named Hanuman, and only succeeds in the battle by toppling the wretched creature off a cliff. Conan stumbles to a nearby stream, badly injured, and as he falls into the water perceives a skull grinning at him from its depths. Conan loses consciousness, but regains it a week later in the home of Thuribald, mayor of a small village. The mayor and his daughter, Naia, have found him and nursed him back to health in hopes that he can stop the pollution of the river by the mage Anaximander, who is under the employ of a man named Sophos, and conducting unknown experiments the byproduct of which taint the river and slowly rot the skin and weaken those who drink from it. Thuribald and Naia are unaffected because, in return for “favors” from Naia, they are provided a small supply of pure water. They promise Conan anything he wants from the village if he defeats the two pollutors, and Conan agrees, but not before he samples some of Naia’s favors himself. Conan makes his way to the small keep, but is swiftly captured and thrown into an arena with another hulking giant, but this time Conan manages to communicate with it and discovers that the two giants were brothers captured by the sorcerer and mutated into giants. Anaximander has promised to return the giant, Grandall, to his normal state, but Conan and Grandall soon discover that is not possible. They also find out the purpose behind the experiments when Anaximander uses a potion to turn a metal statue into solid gold. Conan and Grandall attack and kill Sophos and Anaximander, but the giant loses his life in the process. Conan returns to the small villages and claims his reward. To Naia’s humiliation, he chooses a fine horse and rides away.

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:



  • St. Petersburg, Florida


The story begins with a parable of Yiddish legend. The story is Rabbi who created a golem with the word “Emeth” on it’s forehead (meaning truth) the creature would grow in stature and grow to a threatening side that the old sorcerer wished to destroy his creation. He would do so by rubbing out the “e” to make the word “Meth” (which means Death) the Golem would then crumble and crush it’s creator to death. The story then continues from last issue…

Furious over the defeat of his air-demons, Kaballa decides to send two fire-demons out to destroy Golem. The creature along with Wayne Logan, Rebecca and Jason Adamson have returned to Florida with the statue where it is examined by Abraham Adamson’s colleagues, Saudia Yamal and Professor Yeates. Yeates refuses to believe that the Golem is really alive, and decides to himself that discovery that the statue really is would jeopardize his bid for becoming chairman of the department over Saudia. Deciding to “accidentally” incinerate the statue with a blow torch, Yeates fails when suddenly the fire demons spring forth from the torch. The Golem springs to life and begins to fight these monsters.

Meanwhile, laughed at by his schoolmates who don’t believe that he really was rescued by a living statue, Jason Abraham decides to go show them proof in his late grandfathers notes. As the battle rages on, the word “Emeth” appears on the Golem’s brow, which gives him additional power and he manages to destroy the fire demons. Wonder what it all means, Kaballa realizes that the Golem must be drawing additional strength must have something to do with the Adamson clan, and decides to investigate further. In doing so, he learns about Jason’s research into the Golem.


  • The Golem plot line was preempted by an Adam Warlock plot line, this story is continued in Marvel Two-In-One #11 (in Italy in F4C # 157).

Featured Characters:


  • Shagore (Death)
  • King Aculdi (Death)
  • Telmah’s mother (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Prince Telmah
  • Raga-Shah
  • Ina (In an illusion or vision)
  • Biri (In an illusion or vision)
  • Jakuna Singh (In an illusion or vision)
  • Akaman, Telmah’s father


  • Himalayas


So bored of cooking, ironing and washing dishes all time for the lazy slacker Ka-Zar, jungle-housewife Shanna travels to Himalayas looking for a new stallion that makes her happy

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