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Carl Barks ZIO PAPERONE N. 100 Walt Disney Company Italia 1998


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Paperi & banconote fruscianti : commissionato a Walt Disney per il rilancio di Wall Street dopo gli anni bui della grande depressione e del successivo conflitto mondiale, e a ratifica e suggello del rigenerato imperialismo pecuniario storicamente sancito dagli strozzinaggi unilaterali di Yalta, di Norimberga e del piano Marshall, ecco l’ emblema internazionale del capitalismo finanziario ed economico sfrenato e deregolato, ossia il personaggio appositamente creato per edulcorare e metabolizzare le icone materiali ed i simboli ideologici della piovra monetaria e dei sofisticati meccanismi di trasmissione, propagazione e dilatazione del patrimonio e della ricchezza

Uncle Scrooge non lavora, non produce, non collabora, non partecipa nè si rende minimamente utile al mondo  in cui vive e insomma non fa una sega ma fa semplicemente rendere il danaro, vi specula e vi lucra enormemente in virtù del solo fatto di averlo e manovrarlo: nonostante il suo atteggiamento parassita e predatorio sia in realtà un enorme, atavico e secolare ostacolo allo sviluppo e al benessere della società, questo apparentemente innocuo e buffo personaggio dei comics ricopre incontrastato il ruolo di ariete dello sdoganamento del credito selvaggio, di testimonial della civiltà delle banche, di legittimatore dei tassi di interesse da usura, di burattinaio delle borse, di demiurgo delle valute, di narcotizzatore dei titoli , di anatomo-patologo dei mercati e di vessillo del fondo monetario internazionale, provvedendo ad edulcorare gli animi, ad anestetizzare le menti e a rammollire i corpi con le sue allegre boutade miliardarie e la sua arrogante disinvoltura plutocratica, assolvendo da svariate generazioni sempre con cinismo e successo al suo subdolo e spietato compito di plagiare ed addomesticare i bambini fin dalla tenera età, e continuare poi ad ammansire e soggiogare gli adulti, impedendo e facendo abortire sul nascere l’ insorgere di qualsiasi forma di obiezione, ribellione, dissenso o semplice incazzatura


di Carl Barks

N. 100 , gennaio 1998 , Walt Disney Company Italia Editore




Codice Storia Titolo Numero di pagine Autori Pubblicazioni Personaggi, commenti
IC ZP  100
1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RMG 22, RMG 27, RGCD 35, GCD 134, MG 493, MG 494 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
Breaking through the page on the “Penny Wise”
Refers to: W OS 386-00 (same boat)
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H 91128
Buon compleanno, zio Paperone 23 p.
4 rows per page
Writing: Evert Geradts Pencils: Daan Jippes Ink: Michel Nadorp Appearances: Alice in Wonderland, Basil from Baker Street, Beelzebub, Big Chief, Bo, Brer Bear, Brer Fox, Brer Rabbit, Bucky Bug, Captain Hook, Christopher Robin, Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Dr. Dawson, Dumbo, Ellsworth, Fiddler Pig, Fifer Pig, Gepetto, Gladstone Gander, Goofy, Grandma Duck, Gus, Gus Goose, Gyro Gearloose, Gyro’s Helper, Happy, Honest John W. Foulfellow, Huey Dewey and Louie, J. Audubon Woodlore, Jaq, Jones, José Carioca, Lambert, Launchpad McQuack, Li’l Bad Wolf, Little Hiawatha, Little John, Lucifer, Mad Hatter, Mad Madam Mim, Magica De Spell, March Hare, Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Mister Smee, Pedro, Peter, Peter Pan, Pinocchio, Pluto, Practical Pig, Prince John, Professor Ratigan, Queen of Hearts, Robin Hood, Scamp, The Beagle Boys (4), The Big Bad Wolf, The Lost Boys (2), Timothy Mouse, Tinker Bell, Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee, Uncle Scrooge, Willie the Giant, Witch Hazel
DD hosts a celebration, because his magazine made it to 300 issues, but
GL also decides to host a party himself, funded by US, but his
invitations end all around the world, inviting every known Disney
character, and they eventually all end up at DD’s celebration
Title hero is not US because the “Zio Paperone” referred to is the name of the comic
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W OS  386-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks GSWEL 35, GSWEL 45, GSWEL 34, RTL 37, AO 52317, GSW 6, ZP 1, GSS 1, TL 1672, GSW 8, GSW 9, GSW 11, GSW 15, GSW 18, ZP 71, TD 18, ZPR 1, CTS 27, DT 48, ZP 212, DPCS 4, DPCS 32, DPCS 48, DSTO 21, CBRL 2, UACK 1B, UACK 1, CTS 108, UACK 23, UACK 34, PDIN 4 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Only A Poor Old Man
Refers to: W OS 386-02 (cover), W WDC 130-00 (DD’s pose)
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W US    5-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks GSWEL 34, GSWEL 35, GSWEL 31, RZP 1, RTL 110, TL 110, GSW 7, ZP 2, GSW 8, GSW 9, GSW 11, GSW 15, GSW 18, TL 1919, ZP 117, ZPR 2, CTS 7, DT 48, DPCS 7, DPCS 8, DSTO 21, CBRL 2, UACK 2, UACK 34 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Music cash register
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W US    6-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 2, GSWEL 34, GSWEL 35, AO 54030, AR 212*, ZP 3, GSW 8, GSW 9, GSW 11, GSW 15, GSW 18, ZP 100, ZPR 3, ZP 164, DPCS 8, DPCS 9, CBRL 2, GSD 19, UACK 3, UACK 16, UACK 34, PDIN 3 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Washing dollar bills
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W US    7-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 2, AO 55007, AR 237, PANAF41, ZP 3, ZP 92, ZPR 3, TD 18, DT 48, ZP 212, DPCS 8, DPCS 12, UACK 3, UACK 34 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
The wishing well
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W US   10-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 2, AO 55042, AR 272, PANAF43, ZP 4, ZPR 4, TD 18, DPCS 10, DPCS 37, UACK 4, UACK 34 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Money sorting machine
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W US   13-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 2, AO 56029, AR 305, PANAF14-A, ZP 5, ZPR 5, DPCS 11, DPCS 28, DPCS 43, UACK 5, UACK 34, PDIN 6 Appearances: Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Coin castle
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W US   14-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 3, TL 161, TL 901, PANAF40, ZP 6, ZPR 6, CTS 9, CTS 25, DPCS 11, UACK 6, UACK 34 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Dollar shaped cookies
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W US   17-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 174, PANAF49, ZP 7, ZPR 7, CTS 9, DPCS 13, DPCS 26, TSD 9, UACK 7 Appearances: Daisy Duck, Uncle Scrooge
Daisy fortune teller
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W OS    9-00
(Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold!) less than 1 p.
Art: Hank Porter RZP 4, PANAF 00, ZPSP 1, ZPS 1, ZP 100, MD 8, TES 1, BURF 14, TD 18, ZP 156, CBCA 16, DPCS 33, CAT 6, TSD 16, GCDN 39 Appearances: Donald Duck, Yellow Beak
DD and Yellow Beak over a treasure chest
Refers to: W OS 9-02 (cover)
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W US   23-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks AT 44, ZP 9, ZPR 9, DPCS 16, UACK 9 Appearances: Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Dollar bill planes
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W US   25-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RLGP 3, TL 219, PANAF47, ZP 10, LGP 10, ZPR 10, CTS 11, DPCS 17, UACK 10 Appearances: Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Dollar on glasses
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W US   30-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 16, RZP 2, TL 295, PANAF62, ZP 11, ZP 104, ZPR 11, CTS 13, DPCS 21, UACK 12 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Dollar bill fan
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W US   33-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 3, TL 324, ZP 12, ZPR 12, CTS 14, DPCS 22, DPCS 23, UACK 13 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Night deposit box
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W US   35-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RLGP 3, RZP 1, RZP 16, TL 326, PANAF48, ZP 13, LGP 7, ZP 104, ZPR 13, CTS 14, ZP 212, DPCS 24, DPCS 30 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Money wreath
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W US   40-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 4, PANAF46, ZP 14, ZPR 14, ZP 195, ZP 212, DPCS 26, UACK 8, UACK 15, UACK 28 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Santa bell ringing
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W OS    9-00
(Donald Duck Finds Pirate Gold!) less than 1 p.
Art: Hank Porter RZP 4, PANAF 00, ZPSP 1, ZPS 1, ZP 100, MD 8, TES 1, BURF 14, TD 18, ZP 156, CBCA 16, DPCS 33, CAT 6, TSD 16, GCDN 39 Appearances: Donald Duck, Yellow Beak
DD and Yellow Beak over a treasure chest
Refers to: W OS 9-02 (cover)
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W OS   62-00
less than 1 p.
Art: Carl Buettner RZP 4, AO 48107, AOSR48107, AOPR48107, ZPSP 1, AOCC48107, ZP 111, AOIF48107, TD 25, DPCS 35, UACK 36 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Going in a sled
Refers to: W OS 62-02 (cover)
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W OS  189-00
(The Old Castle’s Secret) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 1, AR 273*, ZPSP 2, ZP 70, CBCA 7, ZP 164, DT 48, DPCS 33, DPCS 40, DPCS 48, GSD 18, UACK 35 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Refers to: W OS 189-02 (cover)
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W OS  199-00
(Sheriff of Bullet Valley) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 3, AOIF49156, AOCC49156, AO 49156, AOPR49156, AOSR49156, BIG 7, PANAF 8, ZPSP 3, ZP 72, CBCA 8, DPCS 40, UACK 37 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Refers to: W OS 199-02 (cover)
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W US   44-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 5, ZP 15, ZP 100, ZPR 15, DPCS 27, UACK 16 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Bird building money nest
Refers to: IC TL 329B (same idea)
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W US   44-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 5, ZP 15, ZP 100, ZPR 15, DPCS 27, UACK 16 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Bird building money nest
Refers to: IC TL 329B (same idea)
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IC TL 1704
(Ed eccomi qua… più Paperone che mai!) less than 1 p.
Art: Giovan Battista Carpi RZP 5, RTL 66, TL 1704, ZP 16, BURF 14*, ZPR 16, CTS 109 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
with first dime
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W US   48-00
(The Many Faces of Magica de Spell) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 5, AT 90, ZP 16, WDP 5, ZPR 16, DPCS 24, DPCS 28, DCOLL11, DSTO 40, UACK 17 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Magica De Spell, Uncle Scrooge
Mirrored MDS faces on the water
Refers to: W US 48-01 (cover)
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W US   49-00
(The Loony Lunar Gold Rush) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 5, AT 92, ZP 17, ZPR 17, DPCS 29, DPCS 35, DPCS 48, UACK 18 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W US 49-01 (cover)
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W US   51-00
(How green was my lettuce) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 486, ZP 18, ZPR 18, CTS 17, ZP 209, DPCS 29, UACK 18 Appearances: The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge
running with crate of lettuce and money
Refers to: W US 51-01 (cover)
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W US   28-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 243*, PANAF57-0, ZP 19, ZPR 19, CTS 12, DPCS 19, MDCS 16, IMA 1, UACK 11 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Optician’s coin chart
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W US   43-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks AT 81, ZP 20, ZPR 20, DPCS 26, UACK 16 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Money Salad
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W US   53-00
(Interplanetary Postman) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 6, AT 101, ZP 21, ZPR 21, DPCS 29, UACK 18 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US posts letter in alien mailbox
Refers to: W US 53-01 (cover)
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W US   56-00
(Mystery of the Ghost Town Railroad) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 6, TL 522, ZP 22, ZPR 22, CTS 17, DPCS 30, UACK 19 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Ghosts are after ducks
Refers to: W US 56-02 (cover)
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IC TL 1815
(In allegato “Gabbiani News” – Il calendario della serie A) less than 1 p.
Art: Roberto Santillo RZP 6, RTL 83, TL 1815, ZP 22, ZPR 22, CTS 111 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
playing golf
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W US   57-00
(The Swamp of No Return) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks ZP 23, ZPR 23, DPCS 30, DPCS 37, UACK 19 Appearances: Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
hanging from vine over dangerous animals
Refers to: W US 57-02 (cover)
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W US   59-00
(North of the Yukon) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 6, TL 544, ZP 24, ZPR 24, CTS 18, DPCS 30, UACK 20 Appearances: Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US pulls sledge full of dogs, HDL and bear in the background
Refers to: W US 59-01 (cover)
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W TT 2465-00
The Lemonade King 1/100 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Pencils: Carl Barks Ink: Norm McGary RZP 6, PLDO 5, PAAM 12, ZP 24, ZPR 24, ZP 201, DPCS 22, UACK 31 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
king seated on giant lemon
Included in the above.
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CR TT 2465a
The Lemonade King 1/100 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Pencils: Carl Barks Ink: (no one) RZP 6, ZP 24, ZPR 24 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US sitting on lemon using straw, many bubbles in glass, markings on lemon
Refers to: W TT 2465-03 (unused cover sketch)
Included in the above.
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W TT 2465-03
(The Lemonade King) 1/100 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Pencils: Carl Barks Ink: Norm McGary RZP 6*, PLDO 5, PAAM 12*, CCB 24, ZP 24*, ZPR 24*, ZP 201, DPCS 22 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
Changes: one of the illustrations from the book
Included in the above.
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W US   61-00
(So Far and No Safari) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 549*, ZP 25, CTS 18, DPCS 31, UACK 21 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W US 61-02 (cover)
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W US   62-00
(The Queen of the Wild Dog Pack!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 7, ZP 26, DPCS 31, UACK 21 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Running away from queen of wild dogs
Refers to: W US 62-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   27
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 7, ZP 27 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W OS 367-02 (cover)
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W US   63-00
(House of Haunts!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 7, TL 566, PANAF58, ZP 28, CTS 18, DPCS 31, UACK 19, UACK 21 Appearances: The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge
Shiny as a ghost
Refers to: W US 63-02 (cover)
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W US   64-00
(The Treasure of Marco Polo!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 11, ZP 29, TES 2, CTS 25, ZP 207*, DPCS 31, DPCS 32*, TSD 3, UACK 22 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
DD and HDL carrying US, US throwing jewels
Refers to: W US 64-02 (cover)
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W US   65-00
(Micro-Ducks from Outer Space!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 8, RLGP 4, TL 585, ZP 30, LGP 8, CTS 19, DPCS 31, UACK 22, TSI 11 Appearances: Micro-Ducks, Uncle Scrooge
Mini flying saucer on his beak
Refers to: W US 65-01 (cover)
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less than 1 p.
Idea: ?, Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 8, ZP 30, DPCS 39 Appearances: Donald Duck
Refers to: HC BV 1 (same layout), W WDC 86-02 (cover)
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D  5199
Zio Paperone e l’oleodotto del Klondike 8 p.
4 rows per page
part 1
Plot: Brian Claxton Script: Tom Anderson Pencils: Vicar Ink: ? PA 42+ Appearances: Blackjack, Donald Duck, Glittering Goldie, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US, DD and the nephews try to chase Goldie and her bear from a property close to a McDuck pipeline that goes through Alaska.
Refers to: W OS 456-02 (sequel)
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W US   66-00
(The Heedless Horseman) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 8, TL 593, ZP 31, CTS 19, DPCS 31, DAO 27, UACK 22 Appearances: Donald Duck, Fireball, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Ducks take care of the horse
Refers to: W US 66-02 (cover)
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less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 8, ZP 32, FC3 84 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
heart shaped eyes; “Best Wishes to the Society of the First Dime”
Society of the First Dime
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W US   68-00
(Hall of the Mermaid Queen!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 8, TL 617, ZP 32, FUM 4-23, CTS 19, DPCS 32, UACK 22 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Ducks dive in underwater cave and find mermaid queen with pet shark
Refers to: W US 68-02 (cover)
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W US   69-00
(The Cattle King!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 619, ZP 33, CTS 19, DPCS 32, UACK 23 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Marking a bull hung by helicopter
Refers to: W US 69-02 (cover)
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W LFC   7-00
less than 1 p.
ZP 33, LGP 54, ZP 208, DPCS 33, DPCS 48, DSTO 15, GCDN 28 Appearances: Pluto
PL on the pier
Refers to: W LFC 7-01 (cover)
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W US   70-00
(The Doom Diamond!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 622, ZP 34, CTS 19, DPCS 32, UACK 23 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W US 70-02 (cover)
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W WDC  95-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks PANAF19, ZP 34, DVP 16, CBCA 2, DPCS 29, DPCS 41, DAO 27 Appearances: Bolivar, Donald Duck
on beach with BOL
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W OS 1047-00
(Feets Don’t Fail Me Now) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks ZP 47, ZP 100, CTS 12, DPCS 5*, DPCS 19, DCOLL12, DSTO 27*, PDIN 5* Appearances: Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie
Feets Don’t Fail Me Now
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W US   71-00
(King Scrooge the First!) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 644, PANAF63, ZP 35, DPCS 32, UACK 6, UACK 23 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Running away from Mongol invaders with a treasure
Refers to: W US 71-01 (cover)
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less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks PANAF23, ZP 36, ZP 175, DPCS 14, DAO 27 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Photograph in Disneyland
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W WDC 108-00
(Sailing the Spanish Main) less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks ARRN 6*, AOPR50202*, AO 50202*, AR 6*, TL 142*, ZP 36, CBCA 3, MD 16, CTS 8, DPCS 10, DPCS 38, DPCS 42, DPCS 48, DAO 27, UACK 15 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
in small sailing ship
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W US   42-00
less than 1 p.
Pencils: Tony Strobl Ink: ? RZP 10, TL 414, TL 874*, ZP 20, ZP 37, MD 3, LGP 68, ZPR 20, CTS 15, CTS 24, DPCS 27, UACK 15, UACK 16 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Banknote wall paper
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W OS  291-00
less than 1 p.
Art: Carl Buettner RZP 10, ZP 37, DT 48, DPCS 2, PDIN 2, UACK 39 Appearances: Donald Duck
Hunted by a shark
Refers to: W OS 291-02 (cover)
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W DD   26-00
(Trick or treat) less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 21, RZP 9, ZP 38, ZP 158, CTS 4, CTS 24, DPCS 5, DCOLL47, PDIN 5 Appearances: Beelzebub, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Witch Hazel
Refers to: W DD 26-02 (cover)
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W WDC  98-00
less than 1 p.
Pencils: Walt Kelly Ink: ? RZP 9, AO 50208, AO 52333*, TL 79*, AOPR50208, ZP 38, CSM 116, TLN2 79*, DPCS 41 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
bobbing for apples with lobster
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IC ZP   39
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 9, ZP 39, CTS 16 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Santa Claus, Uncle Scrooge
shouting for the escavator
Refers to: W CP 1-01 (cover)
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W WDC 148-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 9, ZP 39, DPCS 6, DPCS 48, DSTO 23, PDIN 6 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
singing with dog
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W OS  318-00
(No Such Varmint) less than 1 p.
Art: Carl Buettner AOPR47035*, AOPR47040*, AOPR47042*, AOPR46023*, ZP 40, DIN 1, DPCS 3, PDIN 3 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Refers to: W OS 318-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   41
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 41 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W DD 46-02 (cover)
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W WDC 112-00
(Sweet Sleep, Innocent Angels) less than 1 p.
Idea: Walt Kelly Art: Walt Kelly ZP 42 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
part of christmas tree in DD’s bed
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IC ZP   42
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 42 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US Crying for ants are eating money
Refers to: W DD 60-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   43
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 9, ZP 43 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
cannon ready to shoot
Refers to: W WDC 134-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   44
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 44 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Maharajah of Howduyustan, Uncle Scrooge
angry Rajah
Refers to: W WDC 138-02 (cover)
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D  5199
Zio Paperone e l’oleodotto del Klondike 7 p.
4 rows per page
part 2
Plot: Brian Claxton Script: Tom Anderson Pencils: Vicar Ink: ? PA 42+, ZP 100+ Appearances: Blackjack, Donald Duck, Glittering Goldie, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US, DD and the nephews try to chase Goldie and her bear from a property close to a McDuck pipeline that goes through Alaska.
Refers to: W OS 456-02 (sequel)
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IC ZP   45
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 45 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US hypnotising DD
Refers to: W WDC 145-01 (cover)
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W WDC 135-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks AO 52305, ZP 45, DPCS 3, PDIN 3 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
turkey hunter has 3 turkeys
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IC ZP   46
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 46 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US kicking DD
Refers to: W OS 282-02 (cover)
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W OS 1047-00
(Feets Don’t Fail Me Now) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks ZP 47, ZP 100, CTS 12, DPCS 5*, DPCS 19, DCOLL12, DSTO 27*, PDIN 5* Appearances: Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie
Feets Don’t Fail Me Now
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IC ZP   47
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 47 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
wheelbarrow of money
Refers to: W WDC 157-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   48
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 10, ZP 48 Appearances: Wispy Willie, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Wispy Willie
Refers to: W WDC 159-01 (cover)
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W WDC 147-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 10, ZP 48, DPCS 4, GCD 289, GCDN 13, PDIN 4 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Meccano ladder
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IC ZP   49
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 10, ZP 49 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
Running away
Refers to: W WDC 164-01 (cover)
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W WDC 150-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 10, TL 99, PANAF56, ZP 49, CBCA 18, DPCS 6, PDIN 6 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Teacher and 3 dunces
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IC ZP   50
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 11, ZP 50 Appearances: Donald Duck, Lucifer, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W WDC 171-03 (cover)
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IC ZP   51
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 51 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Money bath and Merry-go-round
Refers to: W CP 2-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   52
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 52 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W WDC 180-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   53
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 53, DPCS 11 Appearances: Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Huey Dewey and Louie (2), Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W WDC 187-01 (cover)
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W OS 1095-00
(Say Cheese) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RDGIO 2, TL 261, DGIO 54, ZP 54, DIT 8, DPCS 21, GCD 329, UACK 17 Appearances: Gyro Gearloose, Gyro’s Helper add a scan
W OS 1239-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks AT 61*, ZP 54, ZP 168, DPCS 18, DPCS 33 Appearances: Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Grandma Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Family photograph, HDL under the bear fur
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IC ZP   55
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 55, DPCS 14 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
US Shouting at a smoking can
Refers to: W WDC 202-01 (cover)
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CB OIL  37
(Vacation Panel) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks WDP 2, ZP 56, DPCS 3, PDIN 3, UACK 38 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Refers to: W VP 1-01 (painting;page 1)
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ARC DD  257
less than 1 p.
Idea: Daan Jippes Art: Daan Jippes ZP 56, DPCS 1, PDIN 1, UACK 38 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
At the shoulder of a cliff
Refers to: W VP 1-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   56
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 56 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W WDC 206-02 (cover)
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W WDC 145-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks PANAF12-A, ZP 57, DPCS 5, PDIN 5 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
HDL jumping rope with frankfurters
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IC ZP   57
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 57 Appearances: Donald Duck, Gladstone Gander, Huey Dewey and Louie (2), Uncle Scrooge
Making noises
Refers to: W WDC 215-01 (cover)
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W WDC 140-00
(Flubbity Dubbity Duffer) less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks TL 61*, ZP 58, TLN2 61*, CTS 5, DPCS 5, DSTO 27, PDIN 5 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
DD uses many golf clubs
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IC ZP   59
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 59 Appearances: Blackheart Beagle, Ratchet Gearloose, The Beagle Boys (1), Uncle Scrooge
US shouting at BB on his boat
Refers to: W USGD 1-02 (cover)
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W WDC 178-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks PAOL 2, ZP 59, DPCS 10 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
HDL argue which candy to buy
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IC ZP   60
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 12, ZP 60 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W WDC 241-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   61
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 12, ZP 61 Appearances: The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W WDC 252-01 (cover)
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W WDC 170-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 11, RZP 16, TL 132, PANAF12-C, ZP 62, ZP 98, DPCS 8 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
Electric-heated wigwam
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IC ZP   62
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 11, ZP 62 Appearances: Donald Duck, John D. Rockerduck, Uncle Scrooge
Refers to: W WDC 255-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   63
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 63, UACK 40 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie (2), Ollie Eiderduck, The Beagle Boys (2), Uncle Scrooge
Big Xmas Tree
Refers to: W CP 9-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   64
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 64, ZP 132 Appearances: Gyro Gearloose, Uncle Scrooge
US and GY on the moon
Refers to: W DISBP 1-03 (cover)
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IC ZP   65
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna RZP 12, ZP 65 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
US taking Pearls
Refers to: W CID 1-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   66
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 66 Appearances: Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Street paved with Gold
Refers to: W WDC 268-02 (cover)
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W OS  348-00
(The Crocodile Collector) less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RTL 129, AO 51286, TL 102*, AR 92, PANAF 5, ST 1, TL 2000, ZP 66, ZP 110, CBCA 14, DPCS 2, SUD 55, DRLI 3, PDIN 2 Appearances: Donald Duck
Crocodile study
Refers to: W OS 348-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   67
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 67 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
US stumbling on Skis
Refers to: W WDC 280-03 (cover)
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IC ZP   68
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 68 Appearances: Donald Duck, The Beagle Boys (4), Uncle Scrooge
US Checking Out Eggs
Refers to: W WDC 291-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   69
less than 1 p.
Art: Franco Bruna ZP 69 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
US playing cash registers
Refers to: W WDC 297-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   70
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 69, ZP 70, TD 9, ZP 174, CFRO 3, ZP 216, DPCS 48, TSI 1, UACK 35, DRLI 8 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Us running with the treasure
Refers to: W OS 189-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   71
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 71, TD 9, CFRO 3, ZP 200 Appearances: The Beagle Boys (1), Uncle Scrooge
US driving his boat
Refers to: D 91411 (cover)
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IC ZP   72
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 72, TD 9, CFR 4*, CFRO 3, ZP 213, DRLI 8 Appearances: Blacksnake McQuirt, Donald Duck
Sheriff DD
Refers to: W OS 199-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   73
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 73, TD 9, CFRO 3, ZP 200, UACK 1B, UACK 1 Appearances: Swindle McSue, Uncle Scrooge
US on a raft
Refers to: W OS 495-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   74
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 13, ZP 74, TD 9, ZP 176, CFRO 3, ZP 200, DPCS 12, DRLI 8 Appearances: (incomplete) Malcolm McDuck (head), Seafoam McDuck (head), Sir Eider McDuck (head), Sir Quackly McDuck (head), Sir Roast McDuck (head), Uncle Scrooge
In armour
Refers to: D 92191 (cover)
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IC ZP   75
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 75, TD 9, ZP 174, CFRO 3 Appearances: Donald Duck, The wicked witch (background)
DD followed by the witch
Refers to: W OS 203-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   76
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 76, TD 9, CFRO 3, DRLI 8 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
With hieroglyphs
Refers to: D 92314 (cover)
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IC ZP   77
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 77, TD 9, SUD 23*, TES 4*, CFRO 3 Appearances: Glittering Goldie, Soapy Slick, Uncle Scrooge
Miner US
Refers to: D 92514 (cover)
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IC ZP   78
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 78, TD 9, TD 18*, CFRO 3, UACK 5* Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
US Running with the golden Fleece
Refers to: W US 12-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   79
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 79, TD 9, CFRO 3, MD 30 Appearances: Donald Duck, Gyro Gearloose, Huey Dewey and Louie
DD following the faced-ball
Refers to: I AT 292-A (cover)
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IC ZP   80
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 80, TD 9, ZP 100, CFRO 3 Appearances: Bombie, Donald Duck, Foola Zoola
Refers to: W OS 238-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   81
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 15, ZP 81, ZP 92, ZP 99, TD 9, BURF 14*, CFRO 3 Appearances: (incomplete) Uncle Scrooge
US throws a coin in the air
Refers to: D 93488 (cover)
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IC ZP   82
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 82, DRLI 8 Appearances: Magica De Spell, Uncle Scrooge
US Scared by MDS
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IC ZP   83
less than 1 p.
Idea: Marco Rota Art: Marco Rota ZP 83, MDCS 21, DRLI 9 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
US before the JW Symbol
Refers to: D 92380 (cover)
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IC ZP   84
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 14, ZP 84, DPCS 14 Appearances: Peeweegahs, Uncle Scrooge
Indians find US
Refers to: W US 18-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   85
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 14, ZP 85, ZP 100 Appearances: Donald Duck
DD fighting with a Viking
Refers to: D 9434 (cover)
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IC ZP   85
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 14, ZP 85, ZP 100 Appearances: Donald Duck
DD fighting with a Viking
Refers to: D 9434 (cover)
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IC ZP   86
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 14, ZP 86, DPCS 13, UACK 7 Appearances: Brutopian representative, Uncle Scrooge
US caught by the Captain
Refers to: W US 17-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   87
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 15, ZP 87, DPCS 35, UACK 36 Appearances: Donald Duck, Gneezles (1)
DD in water with a gun
Refers to: W OS 62-03 (cover)
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IC ZP   88
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 15, RZP 13, ZP 88, ZP 92, ZP 93, ZP 182, DCOLL 3, DPCS 42, UACK 25 Appearances: Awfultonians (1), Vicuna hunter, Donald Duck, Flintheart Glomgold
DD finds the Squareheads
Refers to: AR 130 (cover)
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IC ZP   89
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 13, ZP 89, DPCS 44 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Shooting Cannon
Refers to: AR 106 (cover)
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IC ZP 90
less than 1 p.
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D 96116
Paperino incubo a Paperopoli 16 p.
4 rows per page
Writing: Marco Rota Art: Marco Rota Appearances: Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Gabby, Grandma Duck, Gus Goose, Gyro Gearloose, Gyro’s Helper, The Beagle Boys, Uncle Scrooge add a scan
IC ZP   80
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 80, TD 9, ZP 100, CFRO 3 Appearances: Bombie, Donald Duck, Foola Zoola
Refers to: W OS 238-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   92
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 92 Appearances: Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge
US with a treasure
Refers to: AR 102 (cover)
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IC ZP   93
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 15, ZP 93, DPCS 21 Appearances: The Beagle Boys (1), Uncle Scrooge
Us dressed up like a woman
Refers to: W US 31-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   94
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 94 Appearances: Glittering Goldie, Uncle Scrooge
US On the Sled
Refers to: AR 113 (cover)
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IC ZP   95
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 95, DPCS 22, UACK 12 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
US dodges a shot
Refers to: W US 32-01 (cover)
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IC ZP   96
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 96, DPCS 23 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
US defends his bin from an ant
Refers to: W US 33-02 (cover)
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IC ZP   97
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota ZP 97 Appearances: Donald Duck
DD Runs through the station
Refers to: I AT 245-A (cover)
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IC ZP   98
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 16, ZP 98, DPCS 34, MDCS 21 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie
DD Reads the news
Refers to: W OS 29-03 (cover)
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IC ZP   99
less than 1 p.
Art: Marco Rota RZP 17, RZP 15, ZP 99, SUD 8, DMR 44, ZP 101 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
US Scratches gold off the wall
Refers to: IC TL 1203 (similar idea)
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W US    6-00
less than 1 p.
Idea: ? Art: Carl Barks RZP 2, GSWEL 34, GSWEL 35, AO 54030, AR 212*, ZP 3, GSW 8, GSW 9, GSW 11, GSW 15, GSW 18, ZP 100, ZPR 3, ZP 164, DPCS 8, DPCS 9, CBRL 2, GSD 19, UACK 3, UACK 16, UACK 34, PDIN 3 Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
Washing dollar bills
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H 83022
Paperino in c’è trucco e trucco 10 p.
4 rows per page
Writing: Freddy Milton Art: Freddy Milton Appearances: Daisy Duck, Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge add a scan
W US   28-04
Zio Paperone e la bacchetta magica 5 p.
4 rows per page
Writing: Carl Barks Art: Carl Barks RZP 2, TL 248, AR 586, CCB 22, PANAF39, ZP 11, ZPR 11, DPCS 19, UACK 11 Appearances: Donald Duck, Huey Dewey and Louie, Uncle Scrooge
Fake witching stick
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IC ZP  100B
1 p.
Art: Marco Rota Appearances: Uncle Scrooge
A “100” on US’s beak
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